The Warmth and Depth of Friendship

Life is lighter and more fun with good friends.

Jen Wilking
1 min readFeb 8, 2022
Two young girls hugging with trees in the background
Photo by Jacob Lund in Canva

My friends are warm and curious, funny and sincere.

Sometimes we talk about our favorite tv shows and books. Other times we talk about pain and loss. Some days we get together, and others we text. There are seasons where we talk almost daily, and times when it’s been years.

It doesn’t matter. We know and love each other and fall easily back into the rhythm of togetherness — catching up, laughing, and sometimes crying.

I’m grateful for friends that share the real stuff of life, that talk openly about dreams and challenges.

Friendship adds a richness to life that transcends everyday circumstances.

Maybe today is the day that you reach out to a cherished friend?

It’s ok if it’s been a while.



Jen Wilking

Yoga & meditation teacher, physical therapist | Feel at home in your body, calm in your mind, & inspired to make an impact |